Недавно брат, будучи в Лондоне, случайно попал на открытый концерт, который давала
Imelda May – певица, о которой он ничего не знал (и я тоже). Ирландка по происхождению. Выступление оказалось настолько классным, что он купил диск с ее (пока единственным) альбомом –
Love Tattoo. Вчера я его послушал и получил при этом огромное удовольствие. Голос у барышни превосходный. Музыка – смесь блюза, джаза, рокабилли, эстрады, еще бог знает чего. И все это звучит удивительно свежо. Вроде бы, все песни на диске у нее свои, кроме 'Wild About My Lovin'. Если будет возможность (и еще не слышали), послушайте обязательно.
Одна из «тамошних» рецензий на альбом:
«2007 was a great year for new music and 2008 is already off to an excellent start! Often January is a perfect time to reflect on the previous year and one artist who released their debut album in 2007 and is set to do great thing in 2008 is Imelda May.
Written and produced by Imelda ‘Love Tattoo’ features many tracks that are as catchy as the album title itself. With good song writing, great vocals (Imelda was nominated for the 2007 Best Burlesque Singer) and excellent musicians performing in the band Imelda May is set to do well in 2008.
The majority of the tracks on this album are feel good songs – with a couple of slower more reflective pieces to counter-balance the happy feeling. The lyrics are catchy and you may find yourself humming the chorus to ‘Love Tattoo’ when you least expect it. Imelda’s vocals are perfect for this jazz/blues/burlesque combination – her sultry sound and look are similar to the likes of Amy Winehouse – and her style brings back the images smoky dance halls and bright red lipstick.
My favourite track on this album is the slower ‘Meet You At The Moon’ where the lilting melody and piano blend beautifully and are emphasised by the walking bass line of Al Gare. I don’t think Imelda’s vocals quite pull off the type of angst that the song deserves, but she does sing this really well. Her vocals do however work sublimely in the slower waltz for ‘Knock’. Not only does Imelda have the confidence to sing a solo acapella line as an introduction, but her voice sets the song for a delicately mesmerising journey. The piano solo from Danny McCormack just adds a further touch of class to this already well-written track.
The instrumentalists in the band work well with Imelda and it becomes less of a singer with the band behind her, but a singer with the band working with her. Tracks such as ‘Big Band Handsome Man’ are carefully layered with each instrument and player given equal balance in the mix. The cheeky trumpet interjections from David Priseman and his stonking solo, emphasis Imelda’s vocals lines and the two tie together. They achieve this great balance also on ‘Feel Me’.
Imelda’s song-writing skills are clearly demonstrated on this album – with some great lyric writing going on. Out of the twelve tracks only one is a cover and that is ‘It’s Your Voodoo Working’ and Imelda shows her arranging skills by carefully reworking the traditional song that is ‘Wild About My Lovin’. Here genre shifts within tracks – almost country, almost rock and roll, almost blues. To some it might sound that Imelda hasn’t decided what genre she wants to sing, but I disagree. She attacks each style of singing with vigour and carries it off. I would hate to see her pigeon-holed into one genre and I enjoy listening to the variety that ‘Love Tattoo’ gives you.
This album is a great one to have if you’re in any mood – there are styles to match any changes to your disposition. From the sound on the album I get a sneaking suspicion that Imelda will be an artist that doesn’t sound disappointing live – as far too many bands can be. I shall look forward to catching her at a gig soon».http://ukevents.net/members/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=9057